Tuesday, December 27, 2011

PS Vita vs 3DS

Console gaming has been here since the 60s and have been growing ever since. Console gaming has took a big leap in history and today we are going to talk about portable consoles such as the PS Vita and 3DS.

In todays epic battle we will be looking at the PS Vita and the 3DS.
To start this battle we will look at the overall consoles, second we will look at the best games for it and last we will look at Sony and Nintendo as a company.
will be the first console we will breakdown. The DS has been around to give nintendo fanned something to do on the road but the 3DS just came Last year and it started out a big boom with the no glasses 3D screen. But the console ha a very sleek look with a glossy finish. The console comes in black,blue,red and some special editions. The 3DS is has a wide verify a game and can play all Ds games.

PS Vita
To start out with that console is only out in Japan right now an comes out in the united states on February 22nd.

Discover completely new ways to play. PS Vita revolutionizes the gaming experience with dual analog sticks, front and rear multi touch pads, motion sensors, and front and rear cameras. Game at the speed of your mobile lifestyle, start your game on PS3 and continue on the go with your PS Vita.
                                        3DS games
Now for this part I'm only going to list the most popular games in my prospective.
1. Mario 3d land
2. Mario cart 7
3. Zelda Skyward sward
4.Super street fighter IV
5.kid Icarus uprising
6.AR Cards
Those are the best games that I found for the 3DS so far. You can get any of these games at any of your local game store prolly.
                     PS Vita games
1.Resistance: Burning Skies
2.Hot Shots Golf Vita
3.Uncharted: Golden Abyss
4.Gravity Rush
There isn't many good games that stand out because it new but the one thing I do know is that the games have a new look so say good buy to your old games and hello to downloading everything.
Sony is a big company in today environment sony makes everything electronic well not everything but allot and there big things are there gaming consoles like the playstation and the psp but sony might be the company you choice. Sony has free online and a grate shop but something you might Wang to keep in mind is they got hacked and have the risk to happen again. What dose this mean for you? Well everything is going to be digitally download and if they get hacked an steal your info and have to reset again will you lose all your games. Overall I don't see them getting hacked again and I do recommend a playstation or ps vita because it only can get better grime here. The vita is recommended for hardcore games with Sony sleek graphics and intense games.
Nintendo has been around for years with grate titles And systems. When people think Nintendo they see Mario the face of Nintindo and that us grate because Mario had hundreds of titles out on the market. Nintendo might not be as popular out in today world But Nintendo has grate games for the average play. Overall as a company Nintendo has not really boomed in are time other than with the 3ds. The 3ds is for more of a relaxed classic games that enjoy the old games and would like to ply on the go.

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