Sunday, January 15, 2012

History of CES

          CES has been around seance 1967 in New York city, in 1967 there  were only 100 exhibitor at the convention and only 17,500 people at the show. 
To help make this easier what i will do list list the years of the best products of CES
1967. first CES
1970. video cassette player
1974. Laser disc player
1981. Cd player
1985. NES ( Nintendo gaming system)
1996. DVD
1998. HD TV
1999. DVR 
2001. Xbox and WiFi
2004.Blue ray and HD DVDs
2007. wireless HDMI
2010. 3D TV'S,Tablets 
2011. TV internet
2012. LG OLED TV

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